Synergy is a unique compilation made by 23 producers uniting for the first time through their separate passions.

We created this album as a norm-breaking exercise where nearly 50 producers were asked what specific aspect they enjoyed the most in music production.

Some had a passion for beat-making; others preferred to make atmospheres, synthesis experimentation, field recording or mixing.

When each individual's passion had been noted, Michel Iseneld grouped them into 15 teams of three, where each participant focused only on their area of most profound passion.

These teams were then paired with five Aedi members whose passion was mixing. These mixing enthusiasts then brought their expertise into the creative process, bringing all the elements together.

Out of the resulting 15 tracks, the community chose seven of them through a democratic vote.

Synergy is a statement that encourages music creatives to think differently and collaborate.

That is what the over 250 members of Aedi Records are doing, and you are all welcome to join us at

Now, we invite you to leap into the creations of our hive mind.

Love and light,

The Aedi

Released by 26 May 2021
Artists (21)



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