Reflexions Podcast 04

by Adhémar

7 plays

The Reflexions podcast series showcases the sound(s) played during our Reflexions events at LaVallée in Brussels.

For our fourth podcast we welcome Adhémar. A very talented French artist whose work you'll have heard on Oslated and Aarden records.

Please read his note :)

"This recording is an invitation to relax and relieve any tensions.

You can follow the instructions below.

Stay in Shavasana for as long as you want - let go !

Lie flat on the back with the arms about 15 cm away from the body, palms facing upward.

A thin pillow or folded cloth may be placed behind the head to prevent discomfort. A rolled up blanket can be placed under the knees, heels still touching the ground, to relieve low back tension.

Let the fingers curl up slightly.

Move the feet slightly apart to a comfortable position and close the eyes.

The head and spine should be in a straight line.

Make sure the head does not fall to one side or the other.

Relax the whole body and stop all physical movement.

Become aware of the natural breath and allow it to become rhythmic and relaxed".

Enjoy the ride!

Uploaded by 21 December 2020
Artists (1)