Originally released in 2012 on the newly formed Txt Recordings set up by Lee Norris of Neo Ouija records fame. "Night Works" was the first CD release on the label which delved into textured and emotive nocturnal sonic landscape.

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Night Works conveys a range of emotions that the closing twilight hours can often bring. Deep soundscapes shift like moonlight as shadows in darkness crawl across a lost landscape. Occasionally there’s a sense of melodic comfort, like being cocooned in the warm atmosphere of your own home while some moments invite you to venture outside to witness the nocturnal activities of a vast darkness. Like a storm from nowhere, strange unidentified frequencies emerge in the distance and converse like a room of spirits that echo the sound of past nightmares. Glimmers of light appear as cities dream of hi rise sunsets.

Released by 15 October 2021
Artists (1)

Night Works [Special Edition]

by Mick Chillage

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