Label head Simone Gatto kicks off 2020 with his third full length album, Harmonic Resonance System 432 Hz. The record marks the first time the acclaimed Italian artist leans totally on his music therapist activities and focusses on self harmonization and wellness through electroacoustic music. This unique record will be available on CD and all digital formats through our channels, but also through the Italian National Association of Art Therapy's website.

This 10 track record is a follow-up to Gatto's Heaven Inside Your Frequencies Pt 1 album and book, which formed a foundation of his music therapy work. This album now builds upon that with its perfectly mindful sounds made to support your body's innate ability to self-heal.

The intricately multi-layered compositions are a perfect choice to enhance yoga, meditation, energy work practices and pure blissful relaxation. It is music that should be played daily in order to relax, calm and stabilize yourself, and train the brain and nervous system to zero-stress levels. In turn, regular practice makes the body more resilient to disturbance, stress and disease, and makes the listener healthier and more capable of personal transformations that eventually result in more centered, happier souls. As well as solo sessions, this music can be used in listening groups or with a licensed therapist to overcome anxiety, insomnia and depression, and to produce beneficial effects on a psycho-emotional level.

The reason these compositions are particular effective is because of a phenomenon of entrainment that occurs with the resonance frequency of the earth's magnetic field, which oscillates between 6 and 8Hz and their multiples. It has been noted by several scientific researches carried by John Stuart Reid, and a Russian team led by Elena S. Petukhova and published by Elsevier, as well as molecular biologists and acoustic physicists, that the 432Hz tuning, which is based on the 3: 2 musical ratio and is divisible both by 6 and for 8, is particularly effective in interacting with cellular organisms.

In terms of resonance, the frequencies we emit with this type of tuning will resonate with everything they encounter, and the frequencies of the compositions on this album are in tune with their higher and lower octaves in the space around us and so create consonant energy flows.

Harmonic Resonance System has been conceived using sound frequency patterns built into music that have been clinically shown to cause positive changes in consciousness, brainwave and body function in different groups of patients as observable on brainwave mapping equipment such as EEGs. The main auditory ways used in this album to interact with brainwaves are, Binaural Beats, which is characterized by the difference in frequency between the left and right ear, Monaural Beats, which externally mixes separate fixed tones outside the skull, and therefore does not require headphones, plus Isochronic Tones which are activated and deactivated at certain frequencies.

Lastly, Natural and Primordial Sounds like rain falling on a window or a flowing river also have a hugely cathartic power over our body. This is music that requires but rewards close attention. Its scientific approach results in beautiful aural art that can have a genuinely life changing effect on all who hear it.

Released by 14 February 2020
Artists (1)

Harmonic Resonance System 432 Hz

by Simone Gatto

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