I'm delighted to unveil the second release from unpropped, a step forward in the quest to refine and evolve the project's core identity.

You'll notice a shift away from 4x4 beats to a subtly varied rhythm structure, all while embracing a more pronounced industrial ambiance. This isn't to say that techno has been abandoned, as the genre's spirit remains an integral foundation of unpropped.

Think of 'Oldfactory Pleasures' as an extension of 'Acausality'. A part of an ongoing journey which explores adjacent sonic territories and adds layers to a conceptual framework set to culminate with a third EP, which will round out the series.

An element remains constant, though: this album is yet another invitation to immerse yourself in an array of evocative, otherworldly soundscapes. I'm confident you'll find this experience uniquely captivating, a hallmark that I hope will become the most distinctive aspect of unpropped.

Thank you for listening!

Released by 14 June 2024
Artists (1)

Oldfactory Pleasures

by unpropped

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