On "Decades On Divided Stars" Brock Van Wey, aka bvdub, presents his first album on Affin, each of its tracks spanning his trademark Odyssean length, with a sonic and emotional density second to none.

You are lost... losing your sense of time... of self. Yet finding your inner existence in its inwardly-folding galaxies. Your thoughts and emotions revolve, as planets caught in gravitational pull, before you suddenly awake, as if from a dream, unaware of how much time has passed. Only the stars will tell...

written, produced, mixed and mastered by bvdub/Brock Van Wey

design | www.markus-guentner.de

distribution | www.spacecadets.world

℗ & © Affin 2022


Released by 22 July 2022


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Decades On Divided Stars

by bvdub

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