Making his Aquaregia debut, Téo Dréan presents two stimulating cuts, sonifying the fluid dichotomy between pleasure and pain.

3x500 opens the release with a dreamy and dripping circuit. Grounded with a rumbling triplet bass, a reverberating acid stab strides alongside to reach the home stretch; a rising arpeggio enveloped in euphoria. Out of breath, the arpeggio reaches its highest point before falling back into its galloping rhythm, restarting once more.

10x400 forges ahead with a booming kick and hypnotizing percussion running the length of the track. Escorted by gentle sweeping pads, we're led to a possessing 303 as it meanders through the course. Lost in thought, the dizzy tension winds its way back to reality, relieved by the thunderous bass.

Released by 02 December 2020
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3x500 EP

by Téo Dréan

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