Originally composed by Kaan Bulak for church organ and electronics, 'Hain I / II' offers a more intimate sound approach in the chamber music version. Strings and electronics play and breathe together as an ensemble. Without a click track for strings, live synchronisation is given with musical impulses. In two movements the work goes through soundscapes of classical string quartet phrases, a techno beat in oriental measures, dialogues in sound art, and polyphonic melodies.

The first release of Feral Note is a live recording without edits, focussing on the moment of music, which is a statement for what is to follow.

Recorded live on February 28th, 2018 at Silent Green, Berlin

Violins: William Overcash, Joosten Ellée

Viola: Friedemann Slenczka

Cello: Jakob Nierenz

Electronics: Kaan Bulak

Recorded and mixed by Johann Günther

Cover by Kaan Bulak

Feral Note © 2018

© All rights reserved

Released by 06 July 2018
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