Meta[noia], an experimental electronic music duo based in Colombia, debuts with their first EP entitled "Hélix". This release is a profound exploration of the transformation of perception and mind, a sonic journey that challenges the listener's expectations and evokes a wide range of emotions.

Each track on "Hélix" is a self-contained narrative that transports the listener through dense and enveloping soundscapes. Meta[noia] fuses abstract rhythms with indigenous and modern elements, creating a unique atmosphere that invites introspection and discovery. The music is not only heard, but felt, resonating deeply in the body and mind of those who experience it.

Meta[noia]'s philosophy centers on exploration and experimentation, with a focus on the transmutation of reality and perception. This EP is a journey through the mind, from the vast complexity of the soundscapes to the intimate emotional connection created in each track.

Taila is the starting point of the journey, where the mind begins to transform perception. The track starts with abstract rhythms and unexpected progressions that evolve into a complex soundscape. The sonic density and indigenous elements create an atmosphere that envelops the listener, inviting him to an introspective journey.

Polimnia takes the listener to an unexpected place, a destination where the three divisions of the world meet. The music here is a fusion of modern and traditional sounds, creating a space where one can look in each direction and be caught up in each universe. It is a sonic experience that defies expectations and takes the listener into a state of deep contemplation.

Calliope, represents the culmination of the journey, where the listener is consecrated by the muses. Thalia, Polyhymnia and Calliope inspire this piece with their theatrical and bodily gifts. The track is characterized by a mix of abstract rhythms and complex soundscapes that create an atmosphere of inspiration and deep understanding.

"Helix" is more than an EP; it is a complete sensory experience. Meta[noia] has created a sonic journey that is not only heard, but felt in every fractal of the listener's perception. This EP invites inner exploration, introspection and discovery, leading each listener to a state of personal and emotional transformation.

Written and produced by Meta[noia]

Mastered by Andres Zuluaga

Artwork and Visuals by Staticflood

Released by 01 August 2024
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by Meta[noia]

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Digital album