Images of vast, open landscapes where the sounds of nature intermingle with electronic textures to create a sense of boundless scope and wonder. It delves into more intimate and introspective territory, using subtle shifts and nuances in sound to evoke a sense of inner sight.
Overall, Naucodie recalls the profound and often intangible ways in which sound and our surroundings intersect, inviting the listener to discover new depths of meaning and connection within the music and the world around them.
Produced by Simon Safar & Leopold Escude aka Javier Salazar
Additional Productions by Asllan, Doltz, and Adhémar & Javier Marimon
Mastered by Xergio Córdoba at Eternal Midnight, Spain
Artwork by Clément Davout & Javier Marimon
Released by Oslated from Jeju Island, South Korea
Release Date : March 27th. 2023