Dear brother; our spirit manifested itself by letting us feel the dawn in the jungle, in a simple and direct way like the desires of the sea. Lost and inaccessible, it floods us in a sensitive way. It is them, feel their magic, the call of the herd. It is not the future, it is the now, the beautiful morning, the perfect sunset and the nights of sacrifice.
And it is inevitable. They won't be able to stop it, a new world is coming. Everything is ready for the universal connection to happen in a singular way. To go back and rethink to the sound of the ancestral dance, to live, to feel and find serenity in a subtle way like that unexpected sigh that comes and goes and that you wish to be perpetual.
But it is in you, deep inside you and there is nothing external that can take its place.
Dear brother; the life, the path and the dreams cannot be felt in a physical way, so strive to make this quest once and for all inexhaustible.