Hypnosis that constantly drills until it becomes dynamite for the floor. Through subtle and delicate sonic threads, the sound evolves, becoming progressively more sophisticated. PS: White Witch is spectacular ( Text by Club Furies )

Rheak on this occasion releases a full album of expression, broken and warm sounds, each track tells a story.

Rheak, of Spanish origin, born in Madrid in April 1988. He started in the world of electronic music with only 13 years old playing vinyl, something he has not stopped doing so far. Self-taught DJ, with influences of Spanish and European artists, he is considered a multifaceted artist for moving in various musical styles although he stands out for his techno music productions. His beginnings were with trance music, always betting on European music, and in turn knowing the techno being this style of music that marked him as a DJ and Producer.

Released by 11 August 2023
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SUBSIST.212D Rheak - The Force of the air

by Rheak

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