"Murmuration" by the French artists Infans

The creation process of each track of Murmuration started from strange variating sonic materialities. Producers imagined these materialities deploying as if they were following their own rules, their own physics, distorting the space, conflicting with each other until they collapse eventually. Each track name was chosen solely for its immediate resonnance with the context of creation, with the way they experienced the emerging sounds. Nothing was ever planned or calculated.

The first track Nadir begins with a mystical tenderness that resembles swimming in the air, but soon continues with intense sound adventures. Tlön is even more exotic with its perpetual transformation of textures and elements of the track. Murmuration is like an excitement that keeps the climax as long as possible. Tlön (S.V.R.A remix)’s repetitive sounds go in one line over a large space and seems to describe unstoppable movement.

The album as a whole is a good presentation of how sounds can be transformed while interacting with each other.

Released by 25 December 2020
Artists (2)



by S.V.R.A, Infans

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