This is the first in a new series of one-track releases, exclusive to Bandcamp and Formaviva. This music will not appear on any of the steaming services, or on any other online stores.

“For Safety” is a track I started in the midst of the very first Covid lockdown, and completed last summer. I’ve always been really happy with it, but for whatever reason, it just never worked as part of an EP or a compilation. Perhaps because it’s an ambient piece. Perhaps because it’s over 11 minutes long. Perhaps because it pays more homage to the reverb-drenched, SH101-centric electronica from the 90s than I’d care to admit. (Oh, I just admitted it.)

Either way, it’s a track I’ve wanted to put out there for some time, and I’m hoping to do more of these exclusive releases in the future. Without having to worry about the context of a ‘regular’ release, and with no need for press, distribution, etc., this could be a nice way of putting out some music that otherwise would’ve stayed sitting on my hard drive.

Written & produced by Elliot Jay Stocks

Mastered by João Rodrigues at Tema Mastering

Artwork by Elliot Jay Stocks

Released by 04 March 2022
Artists (1)

For Safety [exclusive release]

by Other Form

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Digital album