Vodun’, Gh⊕s††’s second album released on M.A.D. Records, takes its inspiration from the practice of Voodoo, in particular from West Afrikan Vodun and Haitan Vodou.

The listening experience from Gh⊕s††’s ‘Vodun’ opens with a dense dronish noise atmosphere and ambience. The album, then takes an Industrial influenced IDM direction enriched with Tribal elements in the tracks ‘The Seven Children Of Mawu’ and ‘Zombi’, and Witch House in the final two tracks, ‘Nightmares’ and ‘Why have you deceived me’. The eighth track, the Ritual influenced and densely atmospheric, ‘Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God’ temporarily takes the listener off a tangent from the Industrial IDM genre, and into Industrial Techno territory.


Written + Produced = Gh⊕s††

Mastered = Anatoly Grinberg

Cover + Artwork + Video = In†rσwΣrks


by Gh⊕s††

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